the Welcomer – Closet Culture

    You are 

    The Welcomer

You love to host and a generous person – reorganizing your guest closet says a lot about you!

The welcomer is a beautiful personality type, because it symbolizes how simple acts of kindness can create a memory that’s never forgotten. Being kind to visitors & guests is in your very nature.

The Closet Culture organization system was designed for superior flexibility, so you can design a closet system perfect for any bedroom. With just a few easy adjustments, you can design a closet that will make your guests feel pampered & comfortable.

Here are some additional resources that may be of interest to someone on the move:

  1. To easily design your closet in under 10 minutes, try our EasyConfigurator!
  2. If you need help with installation, check out our blog about how to find a handyperson.
  3. Check out our free guide on how to upgrade your guest closet to SuperHost status.